2024 Webinars

Labels on Translation Output: A Triple Win
Alan Melby
American Translators Association Webinar given August 23, 2024
The webinar was about creating and applying label to translation output

Watch it here: https://youtu.be/WBgmqayExpQ

Update: September 19, 2024
The survey that webinar attendees were asked to participate in confirmed overwhelming support for the labels Professionally Verified Translation (PVT) and Un-Verified Translation (UVT).

The winners for the icons associated with the labels are:



There was a suggestion during the webinar that the labels be trademarked. A post-webinar discussion with an intellectual property attorney resulted a plan to make something including the acronym PVT into a certification mark. At this point it is not clear exactly what the certification mark would look like.

For more information about the Labels project, see the Tranquality website:
